Rev. Kevin Beebe (he/him)
Executive Director
Kevin.Beebe@camplutherwood.orgOriginally from Pullman, WA, Pastor Kevin joins Lutherwood after spending 4 years as pastor of Spirit Alive! Church in Kenosha, WI. Prior to Wisconsin, Kevin spent time in various ministries in Missouri, California, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, and the West Bank.
Kevin comes to Lutherwood excited for the ways this camp can be a linchpin in the development of faith for all people, removing us from the busyness of our lives to the mystery of God found so readily within the song of creation. Kevin sees Lutherwood’s potential in being a link between ministries around Washington, welcoming all and celebrating what Christ is up to in their lives and the life of the wider church.
Kevin is your contact for development, financial stewardship, and overall vision and direction of Lutherwood.
Ashleigh Ellsworth-Keller (she/her)
Program Director
Ashleigh.EK@camplutherwood.orgAshleigh has lived in all four corners of the United States, and is grateful to have landed in Washington in 2020 and Bellingham in 2021. Growing up, Ashleigh spent summers in the North Carolina mountains as a camper, counselor, and Area Director at two ELCA camps, Lutheridge and Lutherock, which began a lifelong love of the outdoors and in mentoring people of all ages in exploring the natural world. Over her professional career, Ashleigh has worked for several non-profits focusing on alleviating poverty, promoting educational equity, and providing arts access to people with disabilities. From 2008-2018, she served as the first Director of Camp DREAM, a fully subsidized wilderness camp in rural Vermont for children living in low-income housing neighborhoods, and most recently served behind-the-scenes for a conservation and environmental education non-profit in Anacortes.
Ashleigh is your contact for all things related to Lutherwood programming, summer staffing, and camp questions.
Sam/Samuel ("Marty") Martinez (he/him)
Guest Services Director
Marty.Martinez@camplutherwood.orgSam hails from Colorado, where he spent his childhood through college, as well as some time teaching. His love for camp started with Lutheran Valley Retreat in southern Colorado. He started as summer staff there as soon as he could and later worked one staff at several camps in the west, including Lutherwood in the summer of 2021. Sam returned to Lutherwood in the summer of 2023, where he jumped at the opportunity to stay at Lutherwood full time, stepping into the new position of Guest Services Director. Beyond the responsibilities of hosting groups, Sam is the Challenge Course Manager, works on maintaining our facilities in absence of a site manager, and is our Water System Manager.
Sam is your contact for specific needs once your stay is confirmed and while your group is on site. He is also your contact for facilities/maintenance volunteering and questions about challenge course opportunities.
Matt Turman (he/him)
Facilities Director Matthew.Turman@camplutherwood.org
Matt hails from Austin, Texas and is Lutherwood’s Facilities Director. After spending his summers at Lutheran camps in Colorado and California, Matt arrived in Washington in late August of 2024. Matt’s first summer was 2018 in Colorado, where at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp a love for outdoor ministry was established. In the summer of 2024, Matt worked as the maintenance coordinator for Mt. Cross Ministries in Ben Lomond, California, after working in a variety of fields including car maintenance, food service, land clearing, and many more odd jobs. With his diverse background Matt steps into our facilities role with a focus on safety for campers, a passion for preserving the environment, and a strong desire to help others experience God in creation.
He spends his free time snowboarding in the winter, hiking in the summer, or spending time by water. In his downtime he also plays guitar or can be found trying to write a catchy camp song.
Our ‘Matt of all trades’ is your resource for work projects, contractors, site conditions, and facilities maintenance.
Cas F. (he/they)
Administrative Assistant
office@camplutherwood.orgThough Cas is originally from rural Vermont, he has spent the past seven years in Western Washington. With a diverse background in marketing and youth work, Cas has experience working with all types of individuals and wants to create a welcoming environment here at Lutherwood.
Cas is passionate about community building, land stewardship, environmental causes and spends his free time exploring the many trails of the area with his partner and two dogs. Cas also enjoys cooking, nature walks, reading and photography.
Cas is your contact for direct administrative / clerical questions, social media, website maintenance and newsletter questions. All around the office support when needed.